Insured Property Loss Reconstruction

The chaos of large loss events underpins demand surge and makes checks unnecessarily larger. The hidden location of needed materials, arbitrary up-charge for demand surge, and prevailing misinformation drives loss costs up while slowing recovery to a crawl.

Customized advantages for insurance companies

Unplanned insured reconstruction creates huge inefficiencies over planned construction. Polished Rock’s profound understanding of the construction market, supply chains, and repetitive contractor challenges positions insurers to reduce inefficiencies. We know how to plan for the unplanned and we are not afraid of building the technology to get the job done.

Thirty years of deep industry expertise at work

Polished Rock’s team of industry experts, analysts, and technologists provide coordinated project management and leadership, bringing together more than 30 years of relationships and experience.


Every line item of reconstruction paid for by insurers costs far more than it should. That reality is undisputed.

– Steve Wightman, CEO

Reduce the cost of reconstruction

Accelerate the time to reconstruct

Stop systemic contention


Planning & execution from a central hub

  • Interconnect the providers of oversight, work and materials
  • Monitor progress, supply chain efficiency, and unit costs
  • Spot costly, repetitive, and prolific reconstruction problems

Achieve acceptance at all levels

  • Customers start sooner, reduce hardship and retain control
  • Contractors & subs improve profit and enable the delivery of more work in less time
  • Material suppliers improve forecasting and overall supply chain efficiency

Unique benefits without current process duplication

  • No scope influence
  • No role in customer-facing adjusting
  • No estimating
  • No resource referrals to justify estimates/settlements
  • No expert litigation services

Contact us

Polished Rock develops high-level supply chain logistical support plans that focus on smoothing friction. We study what is needed, when it is needed and where it is needed. We use our vantage point to spot redundancies, ease pain points, help your customers recover sooner and create an environment that rewards users.

Polished Rock LLC
25 Payn Ave
Chatham, NY 12037


"A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials" - Seneca