
Steve Wightman | Polished RockI imagine the landfill of misspent construction dollars following catastrophes.

Most people do not realize that the construction industry has not seen productivity improvement in 80 years (US Census); that it has one of the highest 5 year failure rates, has the least access to capital, and has one of the longest account receivables of any major industry in the world. Most contractors won’t do insurance work – because it’s even worse.

No construction sub-segment needs this help more desperately than (re)construction from insurance claims, especially following disasters.

My mission is to remove waste each time a construction dollar is spent by attaching transparency and gained intelligence to cash flow. Execute demand-surge-solutions and provide builders with benefits.

I want insurers to pay less and insured customers to benefit more from productive work delivered by limitless builders and suppliers.

Steve Wightman, CEO Polished Rock


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Polished Rock develops high-level supply chain logistical support plans that focus on smoothing friction. We study what is needed, when it is needed and where it is needed. We use our vantage point to spot redundancies, ease pain points, help your customers recover sooner and create an environment that rewards users.

Polished Rock LLC
25 Payn Ave
Chatham, NY 12037


"A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials" - Seneca