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Reduce the cost of rebuilding

The chaos of large loss events underpins demand surge and makes checks unnecessarily larger. The hidden location of needed materials, arbitrary up-charge for demand surge, and prevailing misinformation drives loss costs up while slowing recovery to a crawl.

Construction Lending Solutions

Make certain the lenders risks during construction are mitigated

When banks lend money to someone for construction it is not uncommon for them to deploy fund control to assure everyone doing work is paid (no liens) and that the work is being performed. It’s a step that creates construction time delays and cost escalation.

Customized advantages for banks

Polished Rock knows who is on the project, what they are doing, and when they were last paid. By using simple smart contracts between every pairing we know when things are going to plan, or if there’s a problem, way before there’s a real problem, and in a way that assures nobody is running off with cash that theirs.

Leading a new era

Polished Rock is the ultimate insider. And as insider we know – with certainty-bedrock from the ultimate vantage point – the health of a project.

Fintech with AI is the ‘no-brainer’ that one of the most inefficient industries in the world knows is lacking

– Steve Wightman, CEO

Government Funded Construction

✓ Polished Rock has the high ground and purchasing presence to drive bids lower, to accelerate work, and to reduce risk for all parties.

✓ Customized advantages for government

✓ From Sureties to providers of oversight, work, and materials; it is possible to change the risk, efficiency, and competition landscape.

Where it all started

Polished Rock’s team honed their skills on competitive bid work; especially schools. We have swept the dust away from the darkest corners to find problems ignored for so long most don’t see them anymore.

I love construction design. I love product innovation. I love seeing a site with lots of people working together to efficiently deliver work.

– Steve Wightman, CEO

Contact us

Polished Rock develops high-level supply chain logistical support plans that focus on smoothing friction. We study what is needed, when it is needed and where it is needed. We use our vantage point to spot redundancies, ease pain points, help your customers recover sooner and create an environment that rewards users.

Polished Rock LLC
25 Payn Ave
Chatham, NY 12037

"A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials" - Seneca